Book Review- Stepping into More by Rachel Karu, Part One

steppingcover3d1I made a commitment to post a book review of Stepping into More by Rachel Karu today. Honestly, I am still reading and thoroughly enjoying this amazing book, and am not ready to provide a full bona-fide review until I experience it in all of its glory.  But here are some initial reactions that I hope will prompt you to consider picking up this book (or downloading the e-book) today.

Rachel’s words, her voice, her tone and her message, have taken me on a journey of my own – into my world as a perfectionist, and as my own worst critic when it comes owning what makes me happy.
Rachel’s struggle with creativity is so similar to mine. Her outlet is singing and mine is writing, but otherwise, I feel like I’m listening to my own voice as I read much of this book.  She tells her story and guides the reader in how to embrace your creativity and the vulnerability that comes with putting yourself ‘out there.’  Actually if I really want to be honest, and I do, aside from being a writer, being a singer has always been my secret passion.  The fact that my daughter has such a strong, beautiful voice that she’s shy about sharing only makes me prompt her more to not let opportunity pass her by, and fight that perfectionist gremlin within her too!!

I encourage everyone who has ever fought the perfectionist and the rebel within to read this book. Rachel finds the good in every seemingly bad situation and is truly inspirational. Tune in tomorrow for more, but if you’re curious just grab it now and travel with Rachel through fear of failure and commitment and learn how you can truly make yourself happy, and by doing so, create joy for others.

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10 thoughts on “Book Review- Stepping into More by Rachel Karu, Part One

  1. Thank you so much for your support of my book launch Stepping Into More by writing such a wonderful review! Are you open to posting this on amazon as well? I wish you much continued success and fulfillment. Warmly – Rachel Karu


  2. Pingback: Book Launch for Stepping into More by Rachel Karu – Blog Tour and Giveaway « Novel Publicity Events

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