Don’t Quit Your Day Job! Or Should You? The Realities Of Money and Writing /@StephanieKeyes

I can so relate to this!

I am planning on writing full time once I retire (which is approaching quicker than I’d like to admit), and I’m having all the same angst about both – working full time now, and not working full time later.
Interesting thoughts for anyone who wants to do what they love.

6 thoughts on “Don’t Quit Your Day Job! Or Should You? The Realities Of Money and Writing /@StephanieKeyes

  1. Wow, Patty. One key to making it work is to have a plan–specific writing times. Other specific marketing times. And if your retirement doesn’t “fund” your writing habit, you need to have a plan for how the writing will bring in income.

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    1. Hey Lisa! Right on point, as usual! In “On Writing,” Steven King speaks to this concept of specific writing times. I followed his wisdom, and began writing each morning and didn’t quit until around 2 each day. As a result, I completed a 750+ book, which was then whittled down to around 400+, leaving me a completely (okay, almost complete, sans editting!) done second book. It will be released next spring. The concept of having a plan makes me responsible as the CEO of my writing business, just as being responsible makes me the CEO of my coaching business, and of all the other jobs I’ve managed. The CEO in me is constantly alert to opportunities for attracting money to support what I love to do. Without that structure and mind frame, retired or not, I would just have a hobby. This way I have a hobby that actually supports me…. 🙂


    1. Ahh…yet Patty, you have conquered the largest hurdle and now all that’s necessary is to love that part of you who is soooo deserving. The unfolding of your limitless wholeness is so clear. 🙂 xox


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