There Ain’t No Warning Labels for Crazy

Warning labels
Warning labels (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Warning: Crazy.

I have been saying wow to myself a bit more than usual tonight. Wow for the man who rescued those poor women from a decade of torture, and then refused a reward.  Wow to the people out there who are actually criticizing him.

And when I read this post just now Warning: Crazy., about the labels that don’t come with the mentally ill, again, wow.  So beautifully written, I just wanted to cry for the author and her brother.  We all need to open our eyes a little wider because it mental illness can happen to anyone, to any degree, and none of it is funny for the persons suffering and the people who love them.  I’m sure I’ve done my share of ignorant snickering, so I will make every effort to open my eyes and remember to treat people the way I would like to be treated.  Some very cool guy said that a few thousand years ago and it’s still the strongest truth I know.

9 thoughts on “There Ain’t No Warning Labels for Crazy

  1. You’re a good person, Patty.

    If more people were like you, and cared enough to educate/adjust themselves, stuff like what was described in the post wouldn’t happen.

    It’s a terrible thing. A terrible, terrible thing.


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